Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to get social media to work for your business

This is how life started for Internet. Just 15 years back. It was supposed to be a fad, a personal fetish that many individuals nurtured but something that would never be useful for business. And life comes around.

Here come Facebook and Twitter with their ubiquitous status updates. Why would businesses be interested in knowing whose mobile conked or whose baby rolled over - they said. Just a few months back.

But can businesses ignore Social Media any longer? I came across this very lucid article "4 ways Social Media is changing business" by Soren Gordhamer (courtesy: Mashable) - I thought it was a fantastic way to look at customer engagement possibilities for business.

The faster businesses adapt social media, the more engaged they would be with their customers and therefore, can respond to their needs better.

Creating a great customer experience

I just came across a brief article on how to create a great customer experience in a retail store. While the article itself is very short, the points made are worth thinking about and present a great deal of depth.

Click here for the full article